Henry Sun

henry sun

Henry Sun

July 22, 1994 ~ March 7, 2009

henry sun

July 22, 1994 ~ March 7, 2009

Name: Henry Lee Sun Life Dates: 7/22/1994 - 3/7/2009 City Of Birth: Portland, Oregon Pre-deceased by Predeceased by his mother, Hong Li. History Survived by his father, Ping Sun; grandmother, Suxin Cheng; grandparents, uncle other family in China; aunt, Heidi Ames; brotherly friend, Michael Lin. Henry was a student at Brighton High School and the Chinese School of Rochester. He was extremely nice, generous, bright, mature and prominent. He had great compassion, strong sense to carry out his believed mother's wishes and contribute in the medical field. He was determined to become a scientist and researcher to find the cure for cancer. Henry was a long time member in the school chorus at Brighton High. He also has many other interest such as enjoyed playing tennis, exercising, walking swimming. Donations In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Brighton High School, c/o Henry Sun Safety Education Fund, 1150 Winton Rd. S., Rochester, NY 14618 in Henry's memory. This fund is created to fund education on safety to students in Brighton School District. Services BARTOLOMEO PEROTTO Funeral Home, Inc. 1411 Vintage Lane (between 390 and Long Pond Rd.). Visitation will be Wednesday2-4 7-9 PM. Henry's Funeral Service will be Thursday 4PM at the funeral home. Additional Information A Better World Henry Sun Do you want to know of the most wondrous tradition on the face of the earth? Why is it so amazing? Christmas, the best time of the year. Everybody, adult and child alike earn a vacation from work and school to spend time together. The world is a great place to be, surrounded by the amazing miracles that happen each day. But what makes the world such a great place? It's all the kind people we share this planet with. However there are people who do not condone or may even oppose the kindness we show one another. Yet, their numbers remain low, for the vast majority of the population is kind and generous people. It is a known fact that most of people in our daily lives are loving people at heart. This is due to the fact that these people have been raised with a strong moral sense and can decipher right from wrong. Those essential life skills are obtained through your guardians, teachers and the media. We may not all share the same family or mentors, but the media, in general, does not change. The folk tales you read will carry over to the next generation, and they will tell these tales to their children, and so on. Humans, in nature, are a social race, helping each other for mutual gain. In modern society, acts of generosity can range from holding a door for someone, to helping end world hunger. And as we perform acts of kindness for one another, they, in turn, will help someone else making the world we live in an even better place to be. But amidst all the peace in our lives, there exists those who are cold and heartless people, some more wretched than others. These people, however, cannot overpower those who are kind people. For, they are the minority. Inside, these people share many aspects with their more generous counterparts. Most of these people were simply raised differently, and have become exposed to different forms of media or corrupt teachings. For all of those who are mentally sane, no one can intentionally act in a way they believe is wrong, at its center, even greed or a lust for power is for the benefit of someone (even if it is for yourself). Fortunately for some, and unfortunately for others, our experiences when we are young determine what kinds of people we will become. Everyone has their own individual interpretation of "good" in general. So someone else's idea of helping may be interpreted as harm by another individual. There also exist people who reside on the fine line between kind and heartless. These are the people who compromise with their choices, harming someone in order to help someone else to a greater, or lesser, extent. Most people are raised similarly, so they all share a uniform understanding of kindness and generosity. Those who are kind or unkind are identified based on others opinions of them, and since most share an idea of kindness it becomes very simple to identify some, yet more difficult to identify others. But, overall, kind people lead by a vast majority, making the world a kind place. Throughout history, there have been many "great" people. Historical figures who have made numerous achievements from their generosity. George Washington fought for the freedom of his fellow colonists from their rulers. Fredrick Douglass petitioned against the enslaving of minorities, and helped escaped slaves to freedom. Abraham Lincoln struggled to unite this great nation and put an end to slavery. Theodore Roosevelt battled corrupt big business to restore the economy at the benefit of individual households. Franklin D. Roosevelt administered many new laws to help guide the population through the great depression, and opposed Hitler's rise to power and unjust policies in WWII. These legends, and many more, shall remain to serve as a reminder of how kind our world truly is and what we can expect in the future. Whenever someone is in need, there will always be an ordinary person there, to lend a helping hand.

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