What We Do to Make it Special

What We Do to Make It Special

The ways to tell their story is limitless. Make it special. If you need inspiration, you only need to ask, we are happy to give guidance.

Custom Printed Photo Panels

These beautiful era panels are designed to show progression through life. Many people may have only met your loved one in the last 10 years. It is always intriguing to put together the time before they met!

Video Tributes

Photos touch the soul. Our video software allows us to produce a beautiful tribute utilizing both still photos and moving video. Video tributes are a wonderful enhancement for your loved one’s life celebration. The copy of the finished tribute will be a treasured part of your memorabilia.

Personalized Printing

Mom’s collection of jewelry; she attentively made each piece with loving care. Jerseys, autographed footballs and baseball bats; Dad was the biggest sports fan you knew. Bring their personal items in for us to carefully display; any size item, any size collection. Tell their story.


When you have a celebrant service you have the flexibility to personalize it as much as you want. Make it special with favorite songs, readings, photos or personal items. They were unique, so showcase what made them unique.

Special Life Story Bundle

Bartolomeo & Perotto Funeral Home is proud to aid you in telling your loved one’s story. This bundle of personalized materials encompass everything that help make a Life Celebration special. And, you’ll have cherished momentos that you can hang on to.

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