Why Plan Ahead
Why is it Important to Pre-plan Your Funeral?
Making the decision to pre-plan your funeral is certainly a difficult one for many. Something about it just doesn’t “feel right” when you are still alive. Let’s face it, it’s downright scary, facing the fact that none of us are immortal!
Take a moment, breathe in deep and realize that you ARE in fact, still in the land of the living, and planning your funeral is simply a means of uncomplicating things for the ones you love when the time comes. But keep reading, it may just make sense to you.

Saves Money.
Funerals are an inevitable expense and can be a financial hardship when your family is not expecting funeral. Paying off the cost of the funeral over the course of time is often more financially feasible and something worth considering.
You Have a Say.
Your family will work their hardest to honor you in your memorial service or funeral, but only you know exactly what you want. When you pre-plan your funeral, you are making the decisions for yourself.
Take Away the Financial Burden.
Funerals are not cheap. There are a multitude of items, some of them quite costly, that can add up quickly. When you pre-plan, you can pay for your own funeral and remove the burden from your family members.

Your Time at Your Speed.
Most funerals are arranged in a week or less, sometimes inducing hasty decisions. Giving yourself the opportunity to be more methodical about the process happens when you plan ahead.
Get the Fine Points Right.
Some details are important to you and may be missed if your funeral is planned by someone else. Planning your funeral the way you intend it can make it easier down the line.
Prevent Added Stress.
Your family will be under a lot of stress when you pass away. Ease their minds, even if it is just a little, by having all of your affairs in order before you die.
Ask All the Questions You Want.
When you pre-plan your funeral, you are present and able to ask all the questions that are important to you. You also determine whether or not the answers work for you.
Make Your Final Requests Known.
For instance, if you choose to be cremated, you can arrange for this before death. Any special requests and wishes can be noted in your funeral plan.
Find the Right People.
The way things feel between a family and the funeral director can be so crucial. Pre-planning gives you the opportunity to choose the right funeral director(s) that you are confident will do the best job making your family comfortable and still keep true to your requests.
“I don’t know why I waited… I’m so glad I finally made the decision to pre-plan my funeral. Once I got over my initial fears, it really wasn’t a big deal. And the peace I feel, knowing it’s done and that my family won’t have to worry about many of the details is great.”
We often hear this kind of response from people who have pre-planned their funerals. You’ll be able to relax a little more knowing one more thing is checked off the list of things to do, and don’t you always feel good when you get something accomplished that you’ve been shelving for too long?
We understand taking this step is a hard one. We are here to help when you are ready with the greatest sensitivity. Please feel free to call us with any questions you may have, 585-720-6000, or request an appointment