Molly Riley Garrett I am so sorry to hear of your father’s passing, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips
Lynn Gottfried I always appreciated his sense of humor. He was a strong man and was so incredibly proud of you, Candace. He will never be forgotten. May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of His hand. An Old Irish Blessing
Kathleen Bansbach Relation to Deceased: none I only know the Gildners by waiting on Mrs. Gildner at Wegmans, Latta rd. Just want her to know she is in my prayers and so sorry for her loss. I can tell that she regarded taking care of her husband as a joy and privillege. May God bless her with strength and peace during her time of adjustment.. Just know you are not lost or alone! The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips
Joe & Linda Breyer We would like to express our deepest sympathy and that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your familly. Remember, It is times like this that our faith in God keeps us strong. May he always walk with you and comfort you in your time of sorrow. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips
Jason Sikorski Relation to Deceased: Friend of Donald’s son Garrett Mr. Gildner was a great guy! Speaking for Garrett’s friends, Mr. Gildner was always admired and respected. He will certainly be missed. My thoughts and the thoughts of Garrett’s friends from LeMoyne, are with the entire Gildner family at this difficult time. Jason Sikorski
Bob and Jackie Breyer Relation to Deceased: cousin We will always remember Don as a devoted husband and father. He was always there to give a helping hand when our family needed it. Don’s warm sense of humor and big laugh could fill a room. Our deepest sympathies go out to Charlene, Garrett, Candice and family. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips
Bill & Barb Burns Relation to Deceased: friend Don has been a friend and neighbor for over 30 years. He will be greatly missed. Our deepest sympathies to Charlene, Garrett, Candice, Adam, Julia and also Rita.
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Molly Riley Garrett I am so sorry to hear of your father’s passing, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips
Lynn Gottfried I always appreciated his sense of humor. He was a strong man and was so incredibly proud of you, Candace. He will never be forgotten. May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of His hand. An Old Irish Blessing
Kathleen Bansbach Relation to Deceased: none I only know the Gildners by waiting on Mrs. Gildner at Wegmans, Latta rd. Just want her to know she is in my prayers and so sorry for her loss. I can tell that she regarded taking care of her husband as a joy and privillege. May God bless her with strength and peace during her time of adjustment.. Just know you are not lost or alone! The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips
Joe & Linda Breyer We would like to express our deepest sympathy and that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your familly. Remember, It is times like this that our faith in God keeps us strong. May he always walk with you and comfort you in your time of sorrow. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips
Jason Sikorski Relation to Deceased: Friend of Donald’s son Garrett Mr. Gildner was a great guy! Speaking for Garrett’s friends, Mr. Gildner was always admired and respected. He will certainly be missed. My thoughts and the thoughts of Garrett’s friends from LeMoyne, are with the entire Gildner family at this difficult time. Jason Sikorski
Bob and Jackie Breyer Relation to Deceased: cousin We will always remember Don as a devoted husband and father. He was always there to give a helping hand when our family needed it. Don’s warm sense of humor and big laugh could fill a room. Our deepest sympathies go out to Charlene, Garrett, Candice and family. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips
Bill & Barb Burns Relation to Deceased: friend Don has been a friend and neighbor for over 30 years. He will be greatly missed. Our deepest sympathies to Charlene, Garrett, Candice, Adam, Julia and also Rita.