Mark Mariani

mark mariani

Mark Mariani

August 21, 1917 ~ May 14, 2011

mark mariani

August 21, 1917 ~ May 14, 2011

Write a Tribute, Light a Candle

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  1. Mary Ellen – Bonnie McGarry Relation to Deceased: Cousin to Mary Lou and Tom Hally Mary Lou and Family – we are thinking of you at this time and sending all our love and sympathy. Aunt Margaret, Bonnie and Chip Safely Home I am home in Heaven dear ones: Oh, so happy and so bright! There is perfect joy and beauty in this everlasting light. All the pain and grief is over, every restless tossing passed I am now at peace forever, safely home in Heaven at last. Then you must not grieve so sorely, for I love you dearly still; try to look beyond earth shadows, Pray to trust our Father’s will There is work still waiting for you, so you must not idly stand: do it now, while life remaineth you shall rest in Jesus’ land When that work is all completed, He will gently call you Home; oh the rapture of that meeting, oh the joy to see you come!

  2. Cathy A McGarry Relation to Deceased: Cousin to Tommy and MaryLou Marylou, The pictures of your Dad and the family are just so beautiful! All the wonderful memories you will cherish for ever. God Bless your Dad and may be always be in your heart. All my Love, Cathy The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

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