Theodore MD

theodore md

Theodore MD

July 10, 1944 ~ November 22, 2010

theodore md

July 10, 1944 ~ November 22, 2010

Write a Tribute, Light a Candle

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  1. Will & Carolyn Rickman Relation to Deceased: Patient Dr. LePage was our doctor for a number of years, so it was with shocked sadness that we learned of his tragic death. We will always remember that he seemed to care for each of us as individuals, more than one in a long line of those seeking his care. Our sympathy goes out to the family and to those who worked with Dr. LePage as well. May your precious memories and the promise of Easter sustain you through all the days to come. Most sincerely, Will and Carolyn Rickman

  2. vincent a schiano Dr LePage took care of me for 25 years I was very fond of him . He was always there when he was needed.He will be missed very much.. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  3. Vicki Wroblewski Relation to Deceased: Patient I am sorry to read of Dr. LePage’s loss. He was a warm and kind doctor and made me feel comfortable and he was sincerely interested and took the time to explain things . The medical world has truely lost a great doctor.

  4. tom penn Relation to Deceased: friend A great person-a great friend-a wonderful caring cardiologist. He will be missed. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  5. TIFFANY L KEIFFER Relation to Deceased: PATIENT I’VE BEEN A PATIENT OF DR LEPAGES FOR MANY YEARS IM VERY YOUNG AND HE HAS HELPED ME SO MUCH!IN AUGUST HE DIAGNOSED ME WITH PERIPARTUM CARDIOMYOPATHYANDCONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE AFTER HAVING MY SON,HE HAS KEPT IN CONTACT WITH ME AND HAD ME COME IN VERY OFTEN TO KEEP UP ON ME I SAW HIM A FEW DAYS AGO AND HE SAID THAT I WAS ON THE RIGHT PATH IN GETTING BY WITH THIS DISEASE AND SHOOK MY HAND I CRIED IN THERE WHEN HE DID THAT HE SAID “NOW TIFFANY ITS A GOOD THING DONT CRY!” I WILL ALWAYS THINK OF YOU AS I KEEP THOSE WORDS IN MY HEART AND MY FOND MEMORIES OF YOU,RIP DOC ILL SEE YOU SOMEDAY SO BE READY FOR ME TO SHAKE YOUR HAND AND TELL YOU I OVERCAME IT!!!! I think no matter where you stray, That I shall go with you a way. Though you may wander sweeter lands, You will not forget my hands, Nor yet the way I held my head Nor the tremulous things I said. You will still see me, small and white And smiling, in the secret night, And feel my arms about you when The day comes fluttering back again. I think, no matter where you be, You’ll hold me in your memory And keep my image there without me, By telling later loves about me. Dorothy Parker

  6. Stacey Hasiotis We are saddened to hear of his passing. For many years my mother was a patient of Dr. LePage. He took excellent care of my mother and recently saved her life. My deepest sympathy to the family. He was wonderul physician, a kind and compassionate person.

  7. Sally A Burrows Relation to Deceased: patient I am just devastated to hear about Dr Lepage’s accident and death. A friend just told me. He has been my dr. for at least 25 yrs and saved my life. My sympathy to his family and co-workers. He was my savior and friend as he was to so many. This is one pain he cannot fix in my heart. RIP my friend you will never be replaced and will always be loved by many The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  8. Ross and Jean Gaylord/DLallo Relation to Deceased: patients To the family our deepest sympathy, Dr. Ted will be missedby us. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  9. Ron Kirshner Ted will be greatly missed. He was an excellent cardiologist and a good friend. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family.

  10. RAYMOND & DOLORES BERARDI Relation to Deceased: FRIEND WE ARE VERY SORRY FOR THE LOSE OF YOUR FAMILY MEMBER, HE WILL BE MISSED GREATLY FROM BOTH OF US. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  11. Ray & Marilynn Cubitt Relation to Deceased: Patient We were so sorry to hear of Dr. LePage’s passing. We were two of his patients, along with our daughter, Cynthia, and knew that with him, we were in good hands. Now he rests in the Lord’s hands and we hope his family and friends find peace and solace in that knowledge. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  12. RAY & JOYCE MINNAMON Relation to Deceased: PATIENT WE ARE SHOCKED AND DEEPLY MOVED WHEN WE READ OF DR. LEPAGE’S DEATH. HE TOOK SUCH GOOD CARE OF RAY AND WE ALWAYS FELT FORTUNATE TO HAVE SUCH A DEDICATED CARDIOLOGIST. WE ALWAYS FELT WE WERE IN GOOD HANDS. OUR SYMPATHIES GO OUT TO HIS FAMILY. IT WAS MUCH TOO SOON FOR HIM TO GO. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  13. Phyllis Harris M.D. Ted was a friend and collegue especially when he was at Rochester General but we continue to work together and share patients when he moved to greece. He was an excellent physician and I was shocked when I saw the notice this morning. My honey was a patient of his also and we both send our condolences. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  14. Peg Hurst Relation to Deceased: Friend Ted–you will be missed–please know that Kathy and Tyler will be loved forever and you are with us always……………….. May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of His hand. An Old Irish Blessing

  15. Melissa Natoli Dr. LePage you will surely be missed. You gave me my first job as a Nurse and for that I am thankful. To Kathy I am deeply sorry and can only offer my prayers for you and your family in this time of greif. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  16. Maurice Vaughan MD Relation to Deceased: colleague My sincere sorrow for your loss. I knew Ted since the mid 1980s when he helped train me in Cardiology. He was one of the hardest working dedicated Cardiologists that I knew. Whenever we had a chance to talk further, it was very evident that he was very dedicated to and proud of his family. He will be sorely missed by the staff at RGH, colleagues and especially his patients,.

  17. Mary Ann Pallifrone Relation to Deceased: Patient I was a patient of Dr. LePage since 1991 when he diagnosed my heart condition. He was a very caring doctor with my best interest at heart in my care. My heartfelt sympathy to Mrs. LePage and his son Tyler for their loss. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  18. Maria Lincoln Relation to Deceased: tutored son Kathy and Tyler, My deepest and heartfelt sympathy and prayers go out to the both of you. Sincerely, Maria Lincoln The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  19. Marcia & Paul Wieczorek Relation to Deceased: Nurse, Mrs. LePage,So sorry to learn of Dr LePages’ tragic and untimely death.He was a good man, loving father (so noted in his bringing Tyler into the Emergency Department when he was a child) Proud of his family. We as a healthcare community will miss his presence in the ED and his cheerful, relaxed demeanor. Our thoughts and Prayers are with you at this time of loss.

  20. Louis Rawa Relation to Deceased: Patient My sorrow goes to family with deepest regrets. Dr.LePage was the best doctor I had.He had been taking very good care of me since 2000 and I will never forget him. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  21. Laura von Doenhoff MD Relation to Deceased: Colleague I am so saddened by Ted’s unexpected passing. This is a loss to family, patients, and colleagues alike. Ted was a wonderful physician and a fine human being. He and I studied together for the cardiology boards in 1981. All of us will cherish our memories of him.

  22. Larry &Jackie Marsala Relation to Deceased: None To all the family of Dr. Theodore LePage; Our condolence and grevance for such and untimely passing. May God be with you all. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  23. Kim Daugherty Relation to Deceased: Professional association I am so sorry to recently hear of Dr. LePage’s passing. I worked with him to attempt to recruit another cardiologist to join his practice several years ago. He wanted nothing more than recruit an associate so that he would have more time to spend with his wife and son. I enjoyed listening to his stories about his son’s hockey games. I hope his family knows how much he wanted to be there with them. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  24. Judi Marino (Willoughby) While I never met Dr.LePage, he was my fathers dr for almost 20 years. Dr. LePage saved my dads life 18 years ago and I will be forever grateful to him. Thank you to his family for supporting Dr. LePage’s career. You are in my prayers during this difficult time.

  25. Joseph Licata & Family Relation to Deceased: Patient To the family and staff of Dr. LePage, our deepest sympathy to all of you. We were shocked and saddened when we heard the news. He will be truely missed. He was a great doctor and a wonderful person. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  26. John P Wojack Relation to Deceased: Patient My Mother was a patient of Dr LePage when he started his practice in Greece. A few years ago I became a patient of his as well. I am truely sadden by his passing. The celebration of life, shared in the beginning, and again, in the end. Yet we forget to celebrate it, in every moment we live. Time, days, years, go on, but are we alive? Alive and do not know it, sleeping in the world and dead to the life we are to live. To celebrate all life, the sparrow who sang in the morning, and died in the night, why do we not celebrate its life? To know thyself is to know you are alive – to give, to love, to seek truth, beauty, and suffer pain. In life as it is meant to be, pain is forgotten, and strength is all that’s left to be gained in the moment by moment celebration of life. By Deborah Peabody

  27. Joe and Mary Ann Thorpe Relation to Deceased: friend and patient Saddened and shocked. Our deepest condolences to his family. He was a gifted man not only his profession but in his caring, joyful personality. He will be sorely missed. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  28. joanne s hillengas Relation to Deceased: my mom his patient we where so shocked to hear of dr. lapaige,s passing. he was the BEST dr. my mom hasd. He prefformed heart surgery in 2001 . My mom is 89 now & her heart is doing well. We both will miss him so very much. We will pray for the family. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  29. Joanne Aprilano Relation to Deceased: friend, patient Mrs. LePage, Tyler and Family. Ted and I worked together at Star Market when we were in high school. He was fun loving and hard working. He became my husband’s and my cardiologist several years ago. He was an excellent doctor to both of us. The love and pride that he felt for his family was very evident. Our deepest sympathy and may your memories help to comfort you. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  30. Janis D Caswell Relation to Deceased: patient Dr. LePage took care of my son who has down’s syndrome for many many years and I myself just became a patient of his in August. He will be deeply missed by us and I am sure many others. My sincere sympathies to his family. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  31. JACK BANSBACH Relation to Deceased: PATIENT My sympathy and sorrow is expressed to the family and staff of Dr. LePage. He was a very approachable, friendly, competent, and caring doctor. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  32. Jack and Tracey Davidoff Relation to Deceased: Colleagues and Friends Ted was a wonderful person to work with and a friend. His loss will be felt throughout the Medical Community in Rochester!

  33. Frank P. Sidari, Sr. Relation to Deceased: patient Dr. LePage was a warm and caring person. He took good care of me, Rocco Sidari, Bruce & Carolyn Sidari, members of my family. He will be missed.

  34. Ellen Miller Kathy and Tyler: We are sorry for your loss and remember Ted as a kind and caring man. We have not seen you in years, but we think of you often. Max remembers Ted’s support as he practiced on your homemade skate park. Fondly, Ellen Miller and son, Max.

  35. Don and Sandy Anschutz Relation to Deceased: Patient Dr. LePage was a wonderful man who helped so many people in so many ways. We will pray that Kathy, his family, and his wonderful staff will find comfort and strength in this difficult time. We know that Dr. LePage was already an angel, now it’s official!!

  36. Don and Marta O’Keefe Relation to Deceased: Friends Ted was special, and you only had to be in his company a short time to realize it. He was smart, kind, funny, resourceful, a visionary with all kinds of ideas. He loved his family, his friends, his patients – but most of all, he loved his wife and son. Ted has been taken from us much too soon, but as long as we keep him in our hearts he will never be truly gone. Our deepest and heartfelt sympathy to Kathy and Tyler. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  37. diane s parrow Relation to Deceased: friend and patient We hold you close within our hearts and there you shall remain. To walk with us throughout our lives until we meet again. So rest in peace Dear loved one and thanks for all you’ve done. We pray that God has given you the crown you’ve truly won.

  38. Dennis E Newell Relation to Deceased: Patient Dr. LePage was our family Cardiologist, he saw my Mother through 2 Heart Surgeries and related Heart Ailments, as well as looking after Myself, My Wife and Son, He will Be Sadly Missed, Our Hearts go out to his whole family, May God Bless You all!

  39. Deborah A King Relation to Deceased: patient I had been a patient of Dr. LePage for the past 7 1/2 years. He truly cared about his patients. He came to the hospital 2 times a day on the weekend when I was at Lakeside Memorial a few years ago. On one of my most recent visits last month the office had gone to the small lap top computers and he was just getting the hang of it. I listened to him grumbling and I told him I will miss him talking into his little recorder so I imitated him talking into it about me. Dr. LePage chuckled listening to me. I was very upset over my health at this time and I also told him at this visit I had two heroes in my life, my husband and him. I believe heaven has a new angel to look over all of us. he will be missed dearly. Safely Home I am home in Heaven dear ones: Oh, so happy and so bright! There is perfect joy and beauty in this everlasting light. All the pain and grief is over, every restless tossing passed I am now at peace forever, safely home in Heaven at last. Then you must not grieve so sorely, for I love you dearly still; try to look beyond earth shadows, Pray to trust our Father’s will There is work still waiting for you, so you must not idly stand: do it now, while life remaineth you shall rest in Jesus’ land When that work is all completed, He will gently call you Home; oh the rapture of that meeting, oh the joy to see you come!

  40. Dean & Kathie Chambry Relation to Deceased: Uncle by marriage. May you rest in peace. May your family find peace and comfort in their cherished memories. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  41. david c cheeran Relation to Deceased: colleague I had the opportunity to work with Ted for many years. His calm and caring nature that he showed to his patients is an example to me. He will dearly be missed . Heart felt sympathy to his family The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  42. Cynthia C Rossi Relation to Deceased: patient Dear Mrs. LePage, I was so saddened and shocked over Dr. LePage’s sudden death. He was a wonderful doctor who helped me so much when I was ill. He and I would often talk about our children. Tyler, he loved you very much and was very proud of your accomplishments. I will continue to pray for your familyI The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  43. Carol J. Ross May you rest in peace, though you were taken suddenly. May your family find peace and comfort in their cherished memories of you. You will be remembered at RGH.

  44. Calvin B. Hargrave Relation to Deceased: Patient From a heart that Dr. Theodore LePage kept beating for over 20 years,my very deepest condolences to Kathleen, Tyler, family and friends. After becoming a patient of Dr. LePage when I was 16 yrs. old, I knew he was a man that I could trust with my heart. 20 years later he was taken from me and many others, a life time to soon. He was not only my cardiologist but my friend as well. To me, he was a part of my family and will always be a part of my memories.

  45. Bill & Kathy Campbell Relation to Deceased: Patients We were schocked to read of Dr. LePage’s death. I have been his patient for many years and had the greatest respect and confidence in him. He will be missed by many. Our heart and prayers go out to his wife and family. The celebration of life, shared in the beginning, and again, in the end. Yet we forget to celebrate it, in every moment we live. Time, days, years, go on, but are we alive? Alive and do not know it, sleeping in the world and dead to the life we are to live. To celebrate all life, the sparrow who sang in the morning, and died in the night, why do we not celebrate its life? To know thyself is to know you are alive – to give, to love, to seek truth, beauty, and suffer pain. In life as it is meant to be, pain is forgotten, and strength is all that’s left to be gained in the moment by moment celebration of life. By Deborah Peabody

  46. Bill & Joann Marianetti Relation to Deceased: patient Dr. LePage was our doctor for 5 members of our family, and he will be missed. My aunt would always compliment him on his colorful shirts and ties. He always said his wife, Kathy, had the good taste on picking out his wardrobe. Our deepest sympathy to Kathy, the LePage family, staff, and many, many people whose lives he touched. May he rest in peace Amen. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  47. Bernice M Bommele Relation to Deceased: Father is his patient Thank you Dr. Lepage for saving my Dads life. you will live on in very many people’s hearts forever. Rest In Peace I think no matter where you stray, That I shall go with you a way. Though you may wander sweeter lands, You will not forget my hands, Nor yet the way I held my head Nor the tremulous things I said. You will still see me, small and white And smiling, in the secret night, And feel my arms about you when The day comes fluttering back again. I think, no matter where you be, You’ll hold me in your memory And keep my image there without me, By telling later loves about me. Dorothy Parker

  48. Bernadette & Donald Mackenzie Relation to Deceased: Patients Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  49. Audrey Yantz Relation to Deceased: Patient Dr LePage was a wonderful doctor to both myself and my Mom, Helen Yantz. I was saddened to hear of his passing. He was always kind to us. My prayers go to the family in this difficult time. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

  50. Andrea and Tom Pizzi Relation to Deceased: patients and friends For the first time in all the years Dr. LePage has cared for me, there is pain in my heart. He was a compassionate physician who always took the time to really listen to concerns and explain the course of treatment. More recently, my husband was in need of a cardiologist, so there was no question about who he would see. Purely by accident, my husband and “Ted” discovered that they shared a mutual love of classic cars. That immediately called for a cell phone number and email address exchange. One evening after hours, we stopped by his office with the car. Ted heard us pull in the back parking lot and emerged with a smile ear to ear as he approached the car. After looking under the hood he opened the door and had to sit behind the wheel and start it up himself. He got out his cell phone and started taking multiple pictures of the car. He said he had learned how to drive on 1956 Chevy and it brought back many memories. He invited Tom to his home in Brockport to hang out in his car barn with the guys on Saturday mornings. To us, he was a doctor “and” a friend who will be truly missed. Our aching hearts go out to Kathy and Tyler, his family and his office family. Let the fond memories and happy times bring smiles to your faces and warmth to your hearts during this difficult time.

  51. Al Fantuzzo Ted and I have been friends for years going back to the early 80’s at Park Ridge. Fran and I send our heartfelt simpathy to his family whom he loved so dearly. God bless. The butterfly emerges from its silken shell- Reborn, it arises, no longer bound to earth. Free at last, the butterfly glides to heights unknown before. So do our loved ones find a beautiful release as, earthbound no more, they leave our sight and joyfully rise to a garden of matchless beauty, a place of light and peace. -Evelyn Phillips

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